痕 (2019)10’,


首演:UMZE Ensemble,2019年12月1日,布達佩斯Music Center,匈牙利。

Trace (2019)10'

for flute, piano, violin, viola, cello, amplified watercolor paper

Premiere: UMZE Ensemble, 1 December 2019, Budapest Music Center, Hungary.


This piece explores the natural connection between the movement and sound of the instrument playing, from the sound of writing on paper, expand to other instruments. The physical movement is categorized into two directions roughly: horizontal and vertical. Paper writing, strings bowing, and piano rubbing are horizontal actions. On the other hand, percussive actions, such as hitting strings, and playing piano on keys are related to vertical movements.

The rectangular amplified paper is attached with a contact microphone underneath for better resonance, as the drum membrane amplifies writing voice details.