浪 (2016) 6’


首演:薩克斯風/Nanna Ikonen,木笛/洪葳,電貝斯/Laura Nygren,鋼琴/鄭伊里,2016年5月27日,阿姆斯特丹音樂院

Waves (2016) 6’

for four open instrument tape and live electronics

Premiere: saxophone/Nanna Ikonen, recorder/Wei Hung, bass/Laura Nygren, piano/I-lly Cehng, 27 May 2016, Amsterdam Conservatorium



A wavy-karnatic piece, using live electronics and pre-recorded tape, will make you feel like dancing. However, you will find it is tricky or hard to dance it, unless you are drunk. In this piece, each player keeps different tuplet/ gati rhythm and has to focus on the own pulse, even though they share the same time signature.

The whole piece seems to be using looping material, but it keeps changing in a gradual manner.